Orbit EVM Jobs

We at Orbit Labs are looking to hire an EVM or CosmWasm Developer to work on our EVM. This is a full-time position that can be done remotely anywhere in the world. Orbit builds an Ethereum-compatible network with increased scaling and lower transactions costs.
Your main responsibilities will be to develop new features and provide support on the Orbit Hub. Notably, keeping up to date with Ethereum improvements as well as quality improvements on the performance of the hub.
Orbit Hub is an EVM built on Terra, delivering a turn-key solution for developers to operate their apps on an Ethereum-compatible, high-throughput, scalable and future-safe platform, with low transaction costs for their users.If you are eager to dive into the competing cross-chain ecosystem and would like to work in an energetic environment, surrounded by highly productive and meticulous engineers, we would be happy to see you in Orbit Labs!
Open roles at Orbit EVM
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