Crypto & Web3 Salaries

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The average web3 salary (globally) is $102,989 per year.
Salary estimates are based on anonymous submissions by web3s, website users just like you and collected from past and present job posts.

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Once your submission is reviewed by the community, you'll get access to all salary reports. Review process might take a day or two, so please check this page in a few hours."

Updated Jan 17, 2025

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9 hours ago
$XXX,000/yr+ XX,000 bonus

business ntelligence Engineer Salary

๐Ÿ“ pennslavana / Remote Chicago, United Statesโ†‘ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.๐Ÿ•‘ 6 years at the companyโณ 3 years of experience๐ŸŽ‚ 35 years old

8 hours ago
$XXX,000/yr+ XX,000 bonus

Coo Salary

โœ๏ธ Challenging due to my young age and low amount of experience as COO๐Ÿ“ france / Remote Corenc, Franceโ†‘ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.โณ 1 years of experience๐ŸŽ‚ 27 years old

18 hours ago
$XXX,000/yr+ XX,000 bonus

Research Analyst Salary

โœ๏ธ I was Underpaid but i accepted that in return of experience and connections ๐Ÿ“ Bengaluru Imphal, Indiaโ†‘ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.๐Ÿ•‘ 2 years at the companyโณ 4 years of experience๐ŸŽ‚ 26 years old

a day ago
$XXX,000/yr+ XX,000 bonus

Software Developer Salary

โœ๏ธ Software Developer๐Ÿ“ Egypt Cairo, Egyptโ†‘ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.โณ 1 years of experience๐ŸŽ‚ 28 years old

a day ago
$XXX,000/yr+ XX,000 bonus

Senior Account Manager Salary

โœ๏ธ Managing full portfolio of B2B clients (Web3 infrastructure). The top 3 firms in the space easily pay +double for a similar role.๐Ÿ“ Europe / Remote Johannesburg, South Africaโ†‘ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.๐Ÿ•‘ 2 years at the companyโณ 8 years of experience๐ŸŽ‚ 33 years old

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Annual Web3 Salaries for Key Roles

RoleMean Annual SalaryMin Annual Salary. P10Max Annual Salary. P90

Web3 jobs have seen massive growth recently, and the salaries have followed along with it. A common misconception is the understanding of Web3 itself. In simple terms, Web3 is the new wave of internet services that are more decentralized and often run using cryptocurrencies. Check out our article on what Web3 is and why you should care.

The next common misconception is the type of jobs. Even within the crypto industry, people often assume that all the jobs are technical. Yes, you need to understand the crypto industry if you want to work for a crypto company. But you do not need deep technical knowledge. Most of the jobs are non-technical. Our guide on finding your first crypto job can help you transition into the crypto industry.

Cryptocurrency job salaries could be very attractive for highly skilled people. Especially the developers, as there are very few people in the world who are very skilled and they are sought after. Also, Cryptocurrency salaries are very flexible, and most companies even pay their employees in Crypto.

Since most companies are fully remote, you can stay anywhere and get paid in crypto without friction. Crypto levels the playing field by providing equal opportunity to everyone, and only the skills matter.