My passion for Cryptocurrency is great! I always love working remotely whereby I will have the time and space to expand my tentacles to think and reason well in giving my best to either my employer or my personal job.
I have been into Cryptocurrency for over 5 years now. I understand the market. I understand the role of a Community Manager and beyond.
I have been opportuned to work with people who are just so passionate about Cryptocurrency Manager role - who always look for ways of improving themselves in order to give their best to their employer and the community they are working with.
My network with this people really helped me in f...
He is my brother with excellent characters. He is very hard working, loyal, honest and humble.
Customer service
I have know him for more than 6 years now. He is somebody that is consistent, ready to learn and re-...see more.
Mentor in entrepreneur and Cryptocurrency Vibrant And intellectual
Director @Nambiti Projects & Solutions
Mr Abdulakeem Ademola Abolowatan worked on business projects before. He has strong leadership qualit...see more.
I strongly recommend Abdulakeem Ademola Abolowoton for the the job,he is a family friend since long ...see more.
He was my supervision in Smmar company Ajman He is a very good leader in the company that everyone w...see more.
Member since January 2022