Business Development Executive

Web3 Talent

Hee's my slightly geeic cove lette:

I am a pofessioal accoutat fom Melboue, Austalia, ad with to egiste my iteest i the positio of Busiess Developmet Executive, which you have advetised.

I big ealy 5 yeas of pofessioal accoutig expeiece, sevicig a boad age of public cliets acoss all idusties. I am a desigated Chateed Accoutat, ad a membe of the Istitute of Chateed Accoutats of Austalia & ew Zealad. This desigatio is compaable, although moe highly egaded ad moe difficult to obtai, to a CPA. As well as taditioal busiess accoutig sevices, my skills age acoss maagemet/cost accoutig, busiess developmet, stategic aalysis ad plaig, ad legal & ...

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🌱 Member since June 2021
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Member since June 2021