Dear Hiring Manager, I want to apply for this job. As a professional with international experience, I understand what it takes to meet the needs of targeted audiences and how to utilize feedback to conduct new digital campaigns and strategies. I have a Degree in Modern Languages with Emphasis on Business.
I have thorough understanding in the various social media platforms including Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram. I have experience in the crypto-world, I worked for an ICO project and a POS platform.
I have worked with social media analytics tools and social media coordination content tools like hootsuite/social gest and Plann Th...
Hello, my name is Javier Fernández, I am colleague and friend of ----- ----- since 2012 and I can as...see more.
Hello, my name is Javier Fernández, I think ----- ----- is a great asset any company should have, he...see more.
Hello, greetings from Venezuela. My name is Javier Fernández, we know each other since college back ...see more.
Community Manager McMav
Teaming up with ----- has been a rewarding experience, ideas complement each other and he has a grea...see more.
Customer service at Dragon coin
We know each other since college were we study Modern Languages, a great person to work with, he can...see more.
----- and I studied together at the university. He's a very dedicated person and committed to everyt...see more.
Sales representative at Sinergia internacional
We know each other from college, a nice guy to be around and work with, he knows how to create great...see more.
Analista de marketing en ACL
Trabajé con -----, él como líder del área de marketing y puedo garantizar que es una persona seria, ...see more.
Speaker at Dracuverse project
Le conozco desde la empresa de Criptoactivos Dracuverse, es una persona responsable, diligente y le...see more.
Sales representative at artisan's George
We know each other from college years, I have worked side by side with ----- and all I can say about...see more.
Content Manager at Meat N' Bone
I Met him at the University. He is pretty good when you have to take hard decisions. He speaks more...see more.
Analista de Marketing
Trabajé con -----, él como líder del área de marketing y puedo garantizar que es una persona seria, ...see more.
Speaker at Dracuverse project
Le conozco desde la empresa de Criptoactivos Dracuverse, es una persona responsable, diligente y le...see more.
Content Creator
We studied together at the University and we are also colleagues. He was always the kind of student ...see more.
Member since May 2021