I’m at an interesting point in my career where the confluence of emerging technologies, my experience and interests align, creating opportunities on many different levels (coding, consulting and leadership). I’ve always been a very hands-on and lateral thinking person when it comes to the strategic application of technology solving business needs. For the last 4 years I’ve been responsible building a CQRS/ES platform for an environmental management startup, building the development team from scratch, interacting with internal and external stakeholders, and leading the project for nearly 4 years. Since then I’ve taken the time to dive...
I worked with ----- for several years. He assembled the team, mentored developers and encouraged eng...see more.
----- started at Ecochain when our platform was running at the last part of its lifecycle. He build ...see more.
CEO @WonderkindTechnologies
----- was part of the Management Team at Ecochain Tech being the CTO of the company. I can highly re...see more.
Member since May 2020