----- ----- has 24 yrs of IT experience includes One yr as Blockchain Consultant (FreeLancer) & Trainer, 5 yrs of SAP Technical and 4 yrs as Scrum Master, 5 yrs as Agile Coach, 9 yrs in .Net & other Technology. Successfully completed 2 POC's in blockchain, well versed in Ethereum, HyperLedger Fabric, Solidity Smart Contracts, Remix IDE, DAO, DLT, Truffle, Web3.js, Node.js, React.js, DAPPS, Private network creation, Consensus Algorithm, Drizzle, SC Security, SC Auditing, ERC20 based Token creation, Oraclize, Private / Public BC, Hashing, Digital Signature, Mocha & Chai Test Framework, Test Driven Development (TDD). Successfully Transformed...
Member since April 2019