My interest in crypto, blockchain, NFT and Metaverse ecosystems began in 2019 when I started to make investments, focusing on DEFI and Gaming. Since then, I have dedicated most of my time to educating myself in all crypto-related areas. I am a results-driven and high-performing Business Founder and
----- ----- builds revenue engines through customer success driven business development. I am a Revenue Engineer and entrepreneur. I partner with founders and innovative executives to unlock predictable, scalable, and sustainable revenue through technology enabled customer success. Leverage my twe
I have experience in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology journalism. I am curious and learn fast. Before writing an article, I document very well on the subject. I always stand out in my work. And I'm looking for new horizons in the world of cryptocurrency technology.
Curioso por naturaleza y emprendedor inquieto 🤪 Me apasiona el desarrollo personal ✨ entender las grandes mentes 🧠 que marcan el camino a seguir y explotar las virtudes que cada uno tiene para brindar 💥 Blockchain es una completa revolución y me apasiona formar parte de ello..
• ReactJS • NodeJS • C • C++ • Go • Python • Listening to Developers’ Challenges and Concerns • Communicating with US Clients • Conducting Technical Interviews with Candidates • Managing a Team of 6 Junior Middle and Senior Developers • Prioritizing Product Backlogs for 3 Different Products 🤔 Do Y
Good afternoon My name is -----, a young accountant with a master degree in finance and capital markets. I am a highly motivated and goal oriented professional with a extreme passion for crypto currencies and the stock market (actually working trading options) I really love this industry, and i am v
I have more than 10 Years of experiences in Sales and about 7 in Team Leading. I've started my adventure in cryptoworld in 2017 and in the following year i started to learn more in order to teach others the pro/cons of this world. Last year i decided to take another leap and join a crypto company in
Tengo más de cuatro años de experiencia como escritora y editora de artículos en español (con fuentes en inglés). Tres de esos cuatro años los he dedicado a la blockchain y el criptomundo y, más recientemente, a la escritura de artículos educacionales al respecto, siempre pensando en los usuarios; d
Hi, I think should be a great fit for this job because I liked all related with blockchain, crypto and web 3 in general. The decentralized world has just begun and everything it can achieve is incredible.
Im a really good designer, a fas thinker and a very efficient worker. You can see my work here if you like. Thank you! Nicolás
I have been in the Crypto market for some years, I am taking a degree at informatics and management, I am the one that will lead your company into the best digital marketing I have done this fo other companies in Madeira Island with great results, Digital marketing is my area and I will make your co
Me gusta la computación, trabajo actualmente en una institución que promueve la informatización. Y estudio en la Universidad a distancia la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la información.
Bom trabalho em uma loja de moveis, sou um entusiasta e investidor no mundo cripto desde 2022,quero muito trabalhar no mundo cripto, sou fascinado por este mundo, porem nao sei falar ingles.
Expert in strategy development for digital business and growth. I have more than 10,000 hours of experience, coming from the Business School of the Universidad Autónoma de Chile. Where for years I have been involved in the execution of courses, training and consulting. I advised companies in the d
Dear team of human talent, I give you a cordial greeting. My former bosses consider me a problem solver, even though I am a Civil Engineer, I will manage to contribute to finding the solution to any problem, whether mechanical, economic, etc. I practice Stoic philosophy. 3-minute Resume Video: https
Tengo basta experiencia experimentando con modelos de IA como los LLM o modelos de difusion tambien me apasiona la ciberseguridad suelo caerle bien a la gente por mi simpatia siento que seria un activo valioso para cualquier empresa
IT Professional with 18+ years of experience specializing in data processing for strategic companies. I pay strong attention to details of technical documentation and implementation of project according to it. My business awareness enables me to streamline project tasks and create great products.
Hi, my name is -----, I'm 20 years old, and I'm from Argentina. For over 14 years, I've been exploring and learning new skills online, which have helped me connect with inspiring individuals who’ve been a great source of motivation and support. Since I was 9, I’ve been teaching myself how to use pro
Mi historia es la de alguien que ha dedicado su vida a transformar la educación a través del esfuerzo, la dedicación y la pasión por enseñar. Soy licenciada en matemáticas y cuento con una formación que va desde la pedagogía tradicional hasta métodos innovadores, siempre enfocada en impactar positiv
Soy un estudiante avanzado de la carrera de ingeniería en sistemas de la “Facultad de Ciencias Exactas” en UNICEN y actualmente estoy cursando el cuarto año de dicha carrera. También soy fanático de la tecnología disruptiva blockchain y sus diferentes áreas o tecnologías subyacentes como Smart Contr
Abogado radicado en Valencia, España. Con experiencia en el sector cripto y web 3. Reseacher de protocolos descentralizados. Creador de colección NFT "Robotic War". Autor del libro "Recorriendo el ecosistema Terra". Diplomas de UX, Marca personal, DeFi for Bitcoin.
Actualmente Trabajo como Betatester en diferentes proyectos con tecnologías Blockchain descentralizadas ,DAOs, DeFi ,web3 ,NFT , LP,Farming,play-to-earn-GameFi aplicaciones financieras , criptomonedas , wallets. Poseo diferentes cursos en informática y afines te invito a visitar la pagina con NFTs c
I'm a Multimedia Designer, my skills turns around Graphic Design, Web Design (HTML/CSS) and currently I'm training about UX and Product Design. I'm a creative person and I love the digital transformation, that's why I'm looking for new job experiences about the crypto enviroment, even give one step
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