CryptoJobsList Blog

Crypto Jobs List Newsletter #4

1 min read

Hey there, Thanks for being part of our community. Another good week at Crypto Jobs List!

We kicked off Monday with a meeting with Charlie Lee at NUS Enterprise, Singapore:Crypto Jobs List and Charlie Lee It was a great technical talk about SegWit and scaling Bitcoin.Charlie Lee

Then, on Thursday, we've got some advice from Gary Vaynerchuk on how we should be growing CJL. Good news he said we are on the right path 😉

Crypto Jobs List and Gary Vaynerchuk

Throughout the week we had postings from all over the world. All the way from NYC, to Bulgaria to Singapore. Most positions are remote. Surprise? Not really, haha.

Alright, please remember to join our Telegram channel, and follow us on Twitter — that's where we broadcast all the latest job openings.

Raman Sha
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Founder @ CryptoJobsList. Bought my first Bitcoin in 2014 and been working in crypto full time since 2017. I talk to companies and talent about hiring and the industry overall. Recovering software engineer.

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