Greetings to everyone and the AI algorithms reading this I started off my crypto journey in late 2020 /early 2021 with the advent of dogecoin and gamestop saga. I literally had 0 knowledge of crypto but I met some amazing folks who taught me the basics of everything. Right from the keywords like GM GN WAGMI to onchain trading I learnt it all. During my trading experience I came across several defi protocols and they impressed me like yield farming ones.
Consequently I worked with several defi protocols like Bouje Finance on Fantom as Chief Moderator and Chief Community Manager. Things were great until the bear market arrived I somehow surviv...
Why do girls like crypto bulls? . . . A: He's LONG
Data Engineer @Ezeiatech
We were college batchmates. ----- is a natural problem solver and has very strong analytical skills....see more.
----- was my college batchmate. He is an outstanding personality who brings joy in every task. He ha...see more.
Lead Engineer @Samsung R&D Delhi
----- is a natural problem solver and has very strong analytical skills. He has worked previously wi...see more.
Data Engineer @Detusche Telemom
He's my college friend. He is actively involved in Stocks, crypto and share market.
SDE 2 and RateGain
----- is my senior and he is very supported as well as a talented professional. Provides a different...see more.
Member since March 2023