Imagine a journey that started in the captivating world of crypto back in 2019, where curiosity met opportunity. Fast forward to 2022, and the adventure took a fascinating turn into blockchain development. Armed with the power of Java and Python, I embarked on the quest to build blockchain solutions that transcend the ordinary.
The story doesn't end there – in 2023, I delved into the enchanting realm of Solidity, becoming a virtuoso in crafting smart contracts. Proficient in Solidity, I now weave code into contracts with finesse, navigating the intricate landscape of decentralized applications.
But wait, there's more! In the year 2021, I fo...
Product manager @TechXelo
----- and I are friends. He studied data science with me in Fast University
Product manager @TechXelo
-----'s is my classfellow and we know each other since last year. He is such a hard working and inte...see more.
----- is my classfellow and i know him from the past 2 years.
Member since June 2023